

Oh, wine. The nice thing about being rich is that there's nearly always wine. "Accio Chardonnay" is my mum's favorite charm, and I can't say I blame her. Although I'm really more of an "Accio Grigio" girl, myself.

The lovely thing about Valentine's day here at Hogwarts is that there is nearly always someone worse off than you. Sure, you might not have a boyfriend, and sure, you might be interested in someone who is probably doing something nefarious for the Dark Lord, and sure, that person's "girlfriend" will probably kill you if she finds out that he said you had really nice hair, but...Granger can't even land a Weasley. She's been in the toilets crying, saying something about canaries. So at least it's not that bad.


Bugger Moaning Myrtle

I understand that ghosts are part of our way of life here at Hogwarts. I do. I like the terror that the Bloody Baron inspires in the hearts of first years. I am continuously entertained by the pranks that Peeves plays on Hufflepuffs. I enjoy blaming pranks that I play on Hufflepuffs on Peeves. But I have had it up to my eyes with Moaning Myrtle!

I understand that it's unfortunate to be killed in a toilet. I understand, furthermore, that being killed by a creature controlled by the heir of Slytherin might prejudice one against future members of that house. What I do not understand is why she feels the appropriate response is to remove all the toilet roll whenever I come in there!


Alert: Muggles Might Be Good For Something After All

Have you had a look at this "interweb" thing they've come up with? It's a bit like the Floo, only crossed with a searching thing? I don't exactly know. There's a little muggle first year in Slytherin this term, though (I KNOW!), and she said that this "bloog" is rather like a diary. Only people sometimes will write back! But probably not the teenage ghost of the Dark Lord. And I probably won't be secretly controlling a basilisk. (If only.) So she has sorted this out for me, so that I can talk about things that I need to keep mum about around the other Slytherin girls (ahem, Daphne & Pansy). Since there are so few Slytherin girls, we're in one another's pockets all the time, and you can't get a bit of private thought for love nor money.

And I actually need a bit of privacy lately, because I...well. I think Draco Malfoy me. Every time I look up, he's staring at me. And once, he smiled. I know! Malfoy doesn't generally smile at anyone, and certainly not at a fifth-year! Pansy would lose the plot if she found out. She's so certain that they were meant to be! I'm a little worried about it, actually, because I think Malfoy's been a little...distracted, lately. He seems...worried about something. And not just his dad, either.